Listen here…

This newsletter is not for you.

I write it for just one person.

It’s much more useful that way.

Sometimes it’s for a friend. Sometimes it’s for me.

But if you’re lucky (and stick around long enough), one day it might be for you.

Who am I?

I'm Charles Burdett, the accidental CEO and founder of Pip Decks. However, my status as father of two beautiful boys and lover of my gorgeous wife are far greater accolades.

I've learned a lot from bootstrapping my publishing business over the past few years, and I've noticed what may have helped (and hindered) my journey.

Often, I fire off these random thoughts and advice late at night to my close friends on WhatsApp. Perhaps deep down as a way to reflect on them myself.

Now, I am taking those messages and expanding on them, just for you! (but mostly me).

It gives me a great sense of purpose to help others. I think the right thing to do is throw down a rope when you hit the summit of a mountain (dammit, it was a false summit! This is where my advice might not be useful!).

Anyway, I'm grateful we've crossed paths. You're now a part of my journey, as I am yours (pretty cool right?).

I don't have any satisfying or silver-bullet answers. Especially none that will help you replicate any kind of success. I can only share my experience with you. It may be useful, or maybe not!

The most important thing is that I enjoy writing this newsletter. Because that means you’re more likely going to enjoy reading it. It certainly beats toiling away in obscurity. And one day, my sons might like to read it too.

Anyway, thanks again for joining me, and I really look forward to sharing what I know with you (and vice versa, I'd love to hear from you, so please don't hesitate to respond).

All the best,

Charles Burdett

P.S. I will never ask you for money or sell you anything via this newsletter. This is a sponsor-free zone. I may recommend you other people’s writing from time to time though!

Subscribe to Maybe Useful (Maybe Not)

Entrepreneurial advice I WhatsApp to my friends at 1am, and now share with you. It may be useful (maybe not).


Founder & CEO Pip Decks